In The News

SACRAMENTO — California is split over a proposal to become the first U.S. state to regulate airline emissions.

The state has already led the country in regulating emissions of car pollution.

State Senator Henry Stern sits on the California Air Resources Board (CARB). CARB determines what to include in the state's newest low-carbon fuel standards and newest protections against pollution.

Today, Senator Stern’s SB 1509 “The NOT in California Act,” aimed at cracking down on extreme speeding in the state passed through the Senate floor with bipartisan support. The bill increases accountability for driving at dangerous speeds by assigning two points for repeat offenses of excessive speeding that occur within three years and creates a graduated fine schedule based on the number of violations within a year.  The bill made it out of the Senate 36-1 and is on its way to the Governor's desk. 

Sen. Henry Stern (D-Dist. 27), shown in front, joins the recipients of his district’s Women of the Year awards June 28 at the Oak Park Community Center. The event honored the achievements and contributions of impactful women in the community over the past year.

The U.S. Surgeon General is warning parents about the impacts of social media on their kids, calling the mental health crisis among young people an emergency. In a New York Times opinion piece released Monday, he called for a warning label on platforms saying that social media is associated with significant mental health harms for youth.

Did you know the Sepulveda Basin located in the middle of the San Fernando Valley is 2,000 acres? That's 2.5 times the size of Central Park in New York City. Pure, green space available to the public.

With tragedy comes change, the hope for a better tomorrow, and following a difficult, deadly past year comes the promise by public safety officials to improve the safety of Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu where multiple lives have been lost due to years of speeding and reckless driving the roadway has been known for.

Senator Henry Stern hosted a press conference for SB 1509, also known as “The NOT in California Act,” in anticipation of the Senate Appropriations Committee hearing for the bill on Thursday.

Four Los Angeles area state legislators are in Israel this week visiting with politicians and families on both sides of the conflict as criticisms of the Israeli invasion of Gaza and calls for a ceasefire continue to rise at home.